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11th March 2020

Coronavirus – Consider Protection

The topic of the day is Coronavirus that’s for sure. The implications are far reaching. The effects are likely to be felt for some time to come.

Income Protection

If you have any concerns at all around protecting your income during a period of illness please do consider taking out some protection. And not just in case you contract Coronavirus. Contact us  and talk about your options – protecting your income might be cheaper than you think.

How Income Protection Works

Come and  chat – we will assess your individual situation and help you to work out exactly how much cover you might need if you were to be diagnosed with a critical illness, or if the worst happened and you died. There are policies that pay out lump sums and/or monthly benefits and we help you to decide which is best for you and your family.

In the event of long term capacity, an Income Protection policy can pay out until you return to work or reach your chosen retirement age. Think about how you and your family might survive on state benefit alone.


These are stressful times. Let us help you to weather the storms.

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